Friday, March 06, 2009

Typical days.

Lately we have had some normal, typical days in our family and I am really grateful.  I really need to stop and think about it more than I do.  Sometimes when I'm at the skating rink, instead of thinking that the seats are hard, the music is loud and the air is cold, I should think, hey, at least I'm not at a hospital, sitting with someone in the ICU.  I need to be thinking as I'm cleaning my house about how thankful I am to be home with my family and not having a crisis.  I know tomorrow when I'm working the weekend at the hospital, I'll wish I was home!  I'm a homebody at heart, as if you couldn't tell with my work-at-home, school-at-home lifestyle. 


  1. Oh, I am right there with ya, Dana....on being a Home-body!! As long as I can catch a little breather here & there, I'm totally content being at home.

  2. I admire you for doing two jobs! I like your being grateful for every day things - it is true, one needs to reflect more often on the positive side of things - play the glad game of Polyanna.
    Good luck with the math's. In the bathroom? Well, if it works why not? Is he ADD? My son is severely ADDH and school was tough for him. He had to do math with a stop watch,(Kumon math's) otherwise he would take forever. Having to do 10 min of math each day every day 356 days of the year, helped. If he couldn't complete the assigned work in 10 min, he had to go back a few paces and gradually work his way up again. The idea was that math should never be difficult.

  3. I admire you for doing two jobs! I like your being grateful for every day things - it is true, one needs to reflect more often on the positive side of things - play the glad game of Polyanna.
    Good luck with the math's. In the bathroom? Well, if it works why not? Is he ADD? My son is severely ADDH and school was tough for him. He had to do math with a stop watch,(Kumon math's) otherwise he would take forever. Having to do 10 min of math each day every day 356 days of the year, helped. If he couldn't complete the assigned work in 10 min, he had to go back a few paces and gradually work his way up again. The idea was that math should never be difficult.
