Monday, March 09, 2009

Post weekend, thank goodness.

The long weekend working at the hospital is over. I don't have to work another one for 20 days. I really don't mind the work itself, the only thing is I can't get off from my other job so I end up having to do both on the Sundays. It' s not really that bad though. I should get started on my list this morning, but I am so tired and lazy. I just want to drink coffee and read my book. I'm reading through about my fourth book by Katie Fforde. They're kind of romantic comedies. I'm enjoying them. I've got Twilight here, from the library and I may read that next. I may also download the audiobook of it so I can clean and maybe exercise while listening to it. I think I'll go check and see if they have it. The kids and I have been listening to a book by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson, another of the Peter Pan books they've written, called Blood Tide, A neverland book. It's good, but my laptop volume won't go very high so its kind of difficult to hear it. We have to turn off everything else in the room, including ceiling fans and computers, anything that might make noise. It's kind of pitiful. I may download the next one to my husband's computer, which has got speakers, so we can actually hear it.

Anyway, I guess I'd better get started on my school list.


I really, really just want to sit here and read. I kind of feel I've earned a lazy day.


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Be aware that the Barry/Pearson books COMPLETELY contradict J.M. Barrie's original stories. It's like they never even read them!

    Click my name to see the Pan novel per Barrie!


  2. I know, but I still like them, can't help it.
