Thursday, March 05, 2009

School ...

It's been a rough couple of weeks, school-wise. We have been trying to get the boys caught up on their math, but it's been difficult. No one's had any fun. I have been on the verge of just giving up and sending them to boarding school. When I wrote the new schedules a couple of weeks ago, I was optimistic that they would get done with these lists pretty early in the day and we'd have time for the art, novel way, science, notebooking and all of the cool, enrichment type stuff that we do in the afternoons. However, that has not worked out. It's taken them hours and hours to get done, going right into screen/work time in the evenings, sometimes going until the next day. One of the boys was grounded and working on math off and on all weekend. I'm not sure what we should do about it. I've been giving it a lot of thought though. Maybe I'll be able to come up with something to put the fun back into homeschool. I hope so. With this method, the end of May seems like a very long way away.

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