Thursday, March 05, 2009

The deer in the headlights.

I hit him last night with the van.  Or her.  I think maybe it was a female.  It was all so fast, she just jumped onto the road in front of my van when I was on my way home from my parents house last night.  There was no time to react at all.    My van has a dent and the headlight is kind of hanging and there's one less deer in the world now.  Sad.  I really thought my daughter was going to have a lot of trouble with it, but she seems okay.  She could tell there was nothing we could have done to avoid it.

In other animal news, my brother's cat came home last night after 2 months of living the wild life on the street (presumably).  He ran out right before Christmas and my brother couldn't find him and last night he appeared at a neighbor's house meowing, was recognized and brought home.


  1. Poor Bambi. :o/

    Glad you and your daughter weren't hurt. Deers can cause quite a lot of damage.

    Wonder what tales the cat would tell if he could?

  2. I'm sorry about the deer. I hit one when I was in college. No humans were hurt, and there was only minimal damage to the car, but I still felt horrible.

    Then the teasing started...

