Wednesday, March 04, 2009


The temperature got up over 50 degrees today so I put the little frog outside.  I just set his whole peanut butter jar out there and hopefully he'll hop off into the woods and live happily ever after.  I haven't checked on him since he's been out there. 

I finally broke down and got Pride and Predjudice on DVD and spent several hours last night and this morning watching it.  It might have been quicker to read it after all ... still it was good and I enjoyed it.  I may still read the rest on my Daily Lit subscription or I may change it to another book. 

We're kind of struggling to get school done today.  I got my list done, but the kids have not wanted to get started.  Two of them still don't feel quite up to par and the other just doesn't want to do anything, basically.  He's in the bathroom though, now, doing his math, because that's the best distraction free zone for him.  Hey, whatever works. 

1 comment:

  1. Seems like the mid year slump is hitting all of us. We have 13 more weeks. Sigh.
