Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's day.

Friday the 13th was good.  The moms night out was a ton of fun.  We went to a very good restaurant and then to one of the mom's new house and played games and got a house tour.  I'm so jealous.  Its really a lovely house.  We played Imagine If which can be hilarious and was. 

Tooth fairy update:  I left the money kind of in the middle of the bed, thinking maybe he'd think he just missed it, but it disappeared.  He couldn't find either the tooth (it's long gone!) or the money, so he thought that he wasn't going to get money because the tooth had a filling in it.  That's actually kind of a good idea, but I didn't want to break his little heart, so I put some more money over there (this has been an expensive week for the old tooth fairy!) and we'll see if he can find it.

I'm working this weekend for the hospital.  It's okay working on the weekends, because it's quiet.  I don't mind it too much.  Tomorrow though, I've got to work at the hospital, then come home and work at my home job.  From 11 am to 11 pm with only a short break between.  I don't know about that.  I've done it once before, but I managed to get a nap in between.  It's all going to hinge on that nap ...

Anyway, that's how we are here.  Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Has the tooth mystery been solved yet?

    I hate 12 hour shifts.
    I use to work them a lot when I worked security.
    I do not miss them

  2. That sounds even more hectic than the day we had! Hope today's more peaceful for you. Two jobs! Wow!

  3. After learning about the tooth fairy from her older brother, my dear daughter was always afraid of the idea of a little fairy flying into her room while she was sleeping, so she decided that she would leave her tooth and a little note in a envelope or zipl*ck bag taped to her bedroom door. The tooth fairy was so happy with that choice that she left a note for the other children in my house to do the same. So much easier for her. LOL!
