Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009.

It's Friday the 13th.  I hope that's not really a bad omen.  I've got a relatively easy day planned for today.  At 1:00 we have to take 2 cats to the vet and this evening is mom's night out with the other homeschool moms.  In between, we'll do school.  I doubt going to the vet can count as a field trip.  ;-)

The tooth fairy has had a really, really busy week here.  Three of my youngest son's teeth have fallen out.  The tooth fairy is very forgetful and son has had to wait 2 days both times for his money.  This morning, she got the tooth first thing, before coffee even, put it in the pocket of her nightgown  fairy outfit and didn't realize that the pocket of her nightgown fairy outfit has a hole in it.  So now the tooth is AWOL and I am  she is trying to decide whether to just throw the money under the bed or something ...

All that she/I stuff reminds me.  I'm reading this book about personalities called Personality Plus for couples and I seem to be a combination of 2 dominant personality types that aren't supposed to be in the same person.  That would explain a lot, wouldn't it? 

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