Sunday, February 15, 2009

The tooth fairy saga, part 3.

Okay, so the tooth fairy put some more money in the bed last night, kind of on the edge, trying to make it look like he'd missed seeing it before. He didn't see it this time either. Finally, I pretended to notice it for the very first time. He looked down at the money, past the money on the very edge of the bed and saw .... his tooth, there on the floor. So, he and his sister decided that that dollar bill couldn't have been from the tooth fairy, since of course the tooth was still there, it must be hers and must have fallen out of her bunk. (I can see how she'd go along with this, can't you?) So now, she has an extra dollar and tooth fairy had to remember AGAIN this morning to put a darn dollar under the pillow and this time get rid of the tooth FOR GOOD.

I'm happy to report that this morning, she was successful. Two of the kids in this house are a bit richer, one dollar is still missing and tooth fairy is out 3 bucks for 1 tooth, when her going rate around here is 1 dollar. And, this is all for the tooth with the cavity in it, which really should only get part of a dollar, since it wasn't well maintained.

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