Thursday, February 12, 2009

Not bad.

Today isn't blank but it's not bad. We've got a valentine's pizza party with the homeschool group and I've got to work for my home transcription company. That's it as far as preplanned activities go. I just realized last night that I've scheduled too many things for Monday and that they overlap somewhat, so I'm going to reschedule the vet visit for the cats to another day. Another phone call. Yay.

The 4H meeting went well. One of our difficulties as a homeschool group this year has been finding a place to meet and so we are combining the art classes we had planned with a 4H art club in order to have a meeting place, etc. The kids can make projects for the county fair which is something 4H wants us to do, so it's a win-win. We're also going to participate in several of the regular January-June classes that they have ( some of which, this year, are going to be February to July). We are thinking about the woodworking class and the safety class (for CPR and first aid). Because of the director's illness this year, there's been somewhat of a delay on getting these classes going, but we had so much fun with it last year. About half of our cool field trips last year, including the one where the kids got to hold the chameleon, the one to the humane society, the vet and the dog groomer and the one where they got to let the homing pigeon go, were with 4H and we were just in 1 club! This year we may join a couple more, like I said, woodworking and safety. My sons also expressed interest in a robotics club, so we'll see about the meeting times when it gets started.

1 comment:

  1. Still trying to connect with the hs group here. Sigh.
