Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Our electricity went off for about 5 hours again tonight, due to high winds. I was a lot more whiny this time than last time because I kind of expected it to be really short, like 15 minutes or so and it wasn't. Finally, the kids and I went to the store and to Burger King because they were hungry and we didn't want to open the fridge in case the power stayed out a long time and we lost the fridge food (again). When we got back with bread, peanut butter, fritos and queso dip (the necessities of life!) the power was back on.

Thank goodness.


  1. All my sympathy! We get a lot of power cuts too, but it's not as bad as last year.

  2. Ours went off last night. Not good when it's pitch black and all sorts of things are thrashing and crashing around outside. EEK.
