Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We've got freezing rain today. Our electricity will probably go out. It usually does. Hopefully it won't stay out long enough to lose everything in the fridge. I'm supposed to work this evening for my new/old work-from-home company but I'm going to go ahead and do at least some of it this morning, just in case. We got a lot of cleaning done yesterday and I'm feeling pretty good about that. There was no school, the county schools were out and we were too. Today though, we may go ahead and do school. I don't think anyone is going to want to play out in the ice! We tried to make an emergency run to the library last night, but we forgot that Monday is the night that they close early, so we didn't get to stock up on books to get us through. I guess we'll just have to read what we have here. ;-(

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