Monday, January 26, 2009

Random thoughts.

Okay, I have no idea what I'm going to blog about today.  I'm not working at either job today since I worked at both yesterday, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 then a short break and from 7:00 p.m. to midnight.  Not surprisingly, both of my hands were numb/asleep when I woke up this morning.  Carpel tunnel.  Soon though, I'll be back to one job and something about the position of my work desk and chair at home makes carpel tunnel less of a problem.  Actually, it normally doesn't bother me at all when I'm working at home. 

Anyway, today is going to be a big cleaning day.  We've got the social worker coming on Friday and maybe a field trip (it might be cancelled due to weather) tomorrow and some other things going on this week and we need to do a major overall on the house.  It's a mess.  Really bad.

Anyway, about the social worker.  We are struggling with the decision to stay in foster care or not.  It is hard to know what to do.  I can change my mind about 12 times an hour if I'm thinking about the subject and frequently do.  I want to do it, but it's scary.  The only decision I've made about it is to go ahead and do our recertification and then take it as it comes for a while.  Once I get this job behind me and hopefully other things calm down and I am able to think again, I will think about it and decide.  Everyone else in the family says "It's up to you." 

Hopefully soon we will get school on a better track.  We're getting it done right now, most of the time, but nobody's enjoying it much, we're just plugging away at the basics and not doing any of the fun stuff. 

Okay, that's all the random thoughts I have right now.  Time to go to the grocery.


  1. I pray that you will come to the right decision. It sounds like a tough call. Good luck with your school too.

  2. Good Foster FAMILES (As it takes all of you), go to heaven, no doubt about it. My advice is to earmistly pray about it. I think God will simply answer with a yes or no in a way you will understand.

    Things will be slowing down a bit at my work too.Social work is not easy. I have seen good Fosters and bad. Lighten up on yourself. Do not do it unless ALL of you really want to.

    This is a family sacrifice and the poor Foster kids do not need shuffled around any more than necessary. They do not ask for their position.

    Put your self in the childs shoes-all of you. Then ask if you want the commitment.
