Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Doing what we can to prepare.

We're in the midst of an ice storm here, so if I disappear from the internet for a few days, that's why.  Our electricity keeps ominously blinking on and off.  We expect it to go off at any time and stay off for several days when it does.  I made stovetop oatmeal cookies and a pot of chili, we've started charging the batteries and making sure we know where matches, candles and flashlights are.  It's frustrating.  I wish I could know a time and a duration.  It would be easier to deal with if I knew there was an end in sight.

Uh oh.  There it went.  What timing.  I had just sent an email to work to let them know that I might have to suddenly quit working.  (I can only work a short time on my laptop battery.)

Please pray it passes soon!


  1. I've been watching the news and right now, it stinks to be a northerner. And it is good to live in Florida.

    We have had the house open since before Thanksgiving. But we can switch roles come summer time for sure.

  2. I hope it clears up soon. I can't stand to be without electricity!!!

  3. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I hope the power gets back on quick for you. You might want to check out some of the preparedness sites like http://www.mrssurvival.com/

    wonderful site to learn how to stay prepared for just about anything! The Are You Really Ready? section is very, very helpful.

    BTW, I'm a MT also!

  4. We know the feeling - not the cold, but being without ELECTRICY. Whenever there is a thunderstorm (and there are lots) the electricity cuts out. Last year our electricity provider had scheduled outages which lasted two hours: for us it was every Saturday night! There are no outages now, but for how long? We have been without telephone for most of January and since we have not cell phone reception on the farm (close to Pretoria)we feel pretty cut off. We don't have winter to blame - only poor service!
    Sorry for sounding so negative - I just wanted to let you know that I understand what you are going through.
    I checked your homeschoolstuff blog - see you haven't blogged for a while, so I leave my comment here. Thank you for awesome links! I have printed some math sheets and am delighted. I immediately bookmarked the link! Will visit again!

  5. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Praying for you! :o)

  6. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Makes me feel a teeny bit guilty having 60 degree weather today. Just a little bit guilty because I've been where you are and am glad I am not right now.

    Thinking about you and hoping it passes quickly.
