Thursday, October 02, 2008

Wild Times At The Library.

We went back to the library yesterday. This time, it was for a reptile program. A reptile expert brought a bunch of them, along with some insects to show the kids and tell about each animal. He had lizards, spiders, Madagascar hissing cockroaches, snakes, an alligator, an alligator snapping turtle, an African box turtle and many other animals. Near the end he asked for a volunteer. My daughter's hand went up. Then he said "I need somebody who can follow directions really well". She put her hand about 1/4 of the way down when he said that. (She gives direction very well, I'm not sure about following!) Anyway, she was chosen. I think maybe he'd been watching the crowd throughout the show for someone who wasn't afraid or something, I don't know. She went up to the front and he told her to be still like a tree, to not turn around and to remember to breathe and then he put a 4 foot long python on her shoulders! She seemed fine with it, just stood there talking and laughing. I was impressed. The librarian took a picture but I don't know if she'll remember to send me a copy or not. I had not taken my camera, of course. After the rest of the show, all the kids could line up to hold the python and my younger son did it too. My older son loves snakes and would have done it, but he was off in search of books at that time and missed it.

1 comment:

  1. Our children's librarian brought in chickens from her farm once, but I don't remember reptiles. Sounds like it was fun, but I would have opted not to hold the snake.
