Saturday, October 04, 2008

Grocery Shopping.

This is one area of my life where I just cannot get it together. I would like to be one of those people who go in with a complete list and coupons, having already planned out our meals so that I don't buy anything we're not going to use and don't waste any money, buying only healthy foods, etc. However, I usually just go in, with no plan and grab some things, spend a ton of money and come home feeling awful, only to be confronted with my family's disappointment because I forgot something. Sometimes its something I had no idea we were even out of, sometimes I knew but just forgot. Sometimes I just can't find it in our newly remodeled store. Anyway, it's depressing, especially with the prices going up every week. Today, though, I did realize something. I wore my most awful jeans that look bad on me and make me feel fatter than any of my other jeans do and I ended up buying less junk food, so I'm probably going to wear those horrible pants every week from now on. I figure they saved me about 10 dollars.


  1. I will not walk into a grocery store unless I have a list...end of discussion. Two things that are a must for me.

    1) A grocery list
    2) A full stomach

    Put your own foot down and do it. Put a piece of paper up on the frig and make that your grocery list and MAKE everyone in the house fill it out as things get low, and if it is not on the list when you go to the store, it DOES NOT get bought...end of discussion.

    No nickel and diming to grab things through the week if you run out. My husband is notorious for that. We are out...oh well.

    There are a few exceptions to this rule. Milk, eggs(we make our own bread) and coffee and creamer for my husband. But other than that, no catsup...oh well. No mayo...oh well. No hot sauce...oh well.

    You will get your groove on, and when we can only spend $60 for groceries a week for a family of 4 , you learn to make it work, and if there is no list, I could easily spend close to $200.

    Once you master the grocery list thing, you will wonder how you lived without it. And remember, if it is not on the list DON'T BUY IT!!!

  2. Anonymous10:04 PM

    I also shop by a list. I invested in a coupon organizer called the Koupon Keeper
    and it was the best investment I ever made. I easily save at least $20 a week on groceries. I don't leave home without it.
    I don't know if it would help, but we menu plan on the weekend and everyone is involved. Some nights the meals must be quick or crockpot and they all pick a meal. WE do plan desserts, but they are fun ones and the only way they can choose a dessert to make is if they plan a dinner. They love to look through my desserts binder. Dylan has even suggest some dinners that I forgot to make!! I also put up on the fridge a weekly menu, they know what is for supper without me having to scramble to find something to cook!!
    It's hard sometimes and not everything works for everybody.
    Hope it helps a bit.

  3. Don't listen to those two, they're nuts! 8-D I shop like you do, by the seat of my pants. I hate shopping, but if I let Mr. Incredible do it he buys tons of stuff we don't need or don't eat. The ugly jeans idea is a good one. I might have to do that.
