Wednesday, October 01, 2008


We're trying to get back into normalcy this week. We went to the library for craft day yesterday and it was okay. My daughter so impressed the librarian with her ability to make friendship bracelets that she asked her to make one for her (the librarian) and her twin sister. Youngest son wasn't interested in learning complicated weaving/knot tying techniques so he just kind of twisted the strings together and then talked to the other kids. Still, it was fun. Today they are having a presentation about reptiles so that should be interesting. The library is doing this all week because the local schools are on fall break. The librarian asked the kids if they were enjoying fall break and my daughter gave me the evil eye. Then as soon as she got a chance, she came over and asked me when we were going on fall break. I said "remember the first week of September when we were off and went to Rough River? That was it." So needless to say, we are not on break this week. We are doing school.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's funny about the 'evil eye'! LOL We are actually doing Fall Break this week because Chris is on Fall break & coming home this evening after his last class. But shhhhhh.....don't tell my kids that they are really only going to be missing ONE day of school......since we only school for 4 days a week anyway. Hee! Hee!
