Tuesday, October 07, 2008


I've kind of had no wind in my sails for the last little while but I'm still here. I'm still working at the same company, the hospital that I interviewed for did not contact me. They may have had trouble getting through to me by phone. I've tried to keep the phone line open but since we have dial-up internet, it's almost impossible. I kind of expect to get a letter from them saying we tried to contact you but couldn't so we hired someone else. Either way, I'm okay with it. My current job is okay.

School is going okay too, not great, but okay. We've had trouble generating much excitement but we've been getting the basics done. I've realized in my few years of homeschooling that's just how it goes sometimes. We'll get back in our groove soon. We always do.

I had titled this post something else, but when I started typing it and realized how many times I had used the word "okay" I decided to make the title that.

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