Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our County Fair 4h Debut.

Is that really how you spell debut? Weird. Anyway, all 3 of the kids had planned to participate in the 4H Small Pets Club exhibition at the fair, but only the girl ended up doing it. The youngest backed out because it involved doing work (putting together the dog crate and packing some things) and the oldest decided that his cat allergies would just make him to miserable. (He also has work allergies, but that's not the excuse he used yesterday.) So anyway, the girl and I packed up the dog crate, newspapers to line it with, a feeding bowl, a litter box and 2 cats and went to the fair to display them for fair-goers. My daughter was supposed to answer any questions, but really no one had any. We planned to take Zoey and Sammy (pictured) but Zoey was AWOL, so we took Sammy and Zelda. Sammy was a little scared at first but then decided to take a nap. The kitten was a delight. She had so much fun. She played with Sammy, then played with the newspaper, the litter tray, the bars of the cage, then Sammy again, then curled up and took a nap. Very cute. Since there were no other cats in competition, my daughter won the blue ribbon for her cat display. She also won for her cat scrapbook since there were no other pet scrapbooks in competition. :-) The prize money totaled $6.00. Next year, though, watch out. She's found out that her jewelry that she already makes, the potholders, the drawings, photography, the paintings and all these crafts that she just normally does on a daily basis can all be entered into the fair for possible prize money and ribbons! It was fun and we learned a lot.

1 comment:

  1. WTG on the blue ribbons!! I've never been involved in 4H, but mom did it with my sister when she was younger & she got alot of blue ribbons too.....I know she baked a pound cake & that she made the cutest little waste basket which she stencil/painted the outside. It was really cute!
