Sunday, July 13, 2008

Working on the Weekend.

I've been working all weekend and boy am I tired of it. By my calculations I should be able to type one more report and then quit for the night. With the kids this week, I've listened to a book on CD called Esperanza Rising. It was very good. I've been meaning to listen to it for a couple of months at least, but finally we got around to it and I'm glad we did. I'm also reading about 5 books since we went to the library on Thursday. I'm not done with any of them, I'm just reading all 5 at the same time. One is called "The Joy of Doing Things Badly" by Veronica Chambers. I laughed out loud when she said she had the attention span of a fruit fly - me too - or at least the patience of one. I'm also reading Harry Potter book 5, "Order of the Phoenix", "Don't Kiss Them Goodbye" by Allison Dubois (the person the show "Medium" is about) and "The Vice Busting Diet" and another one about raising kids written by a mom of 10 or so. I pick them up and read a little when I get a chance, while transcription jobs are downloading or transmitting. It's interesting reading them all at once. It's certainly not boring.


  1. I am usually reading more than one book at a time too.

  2. There for a while I'd have about 3 going at once. Right now, I'm only reading two....I forget the name of the's by Tracie Peterson....the second one in an Alaskan series. And I'm the last Harry Potter book now! Yay!!

  3. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Let me know how the Alison book is. I love the show medium!!!
    I love to read. I am reading beverly lewis's series of Lancaster...the shunning, etc. can't remember the 3 titles.
