Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Somedays I am just full of ...

blog ideas.

Today, I keep thinking of things to blog about. Somedays I couldn't blog anything rational if my life depended on it. (No comments please about how rational I actually am when blogging!)

Here are some of my thoughts for today.

Yesterday I made 2 phone calls I had been procrastinating about, successfully getting every Monday until August 11 filled with doctor visits, orthodontist appointments, etc. I'm proud of myself for actually picking up the phone and calling. If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know how much I hate talking on the phone. I've been in a state of intertia this summer in other ways too. I haven't done many of the things I'd planned to do this summer. I need to snap out of it.

On guilt, I still feel guilty for not going to either of those parties a couple of weeks ago. With one of them, it was a graduation party and I felt guilty for not going for that reason, but I did mail their cards. For the other, I missed seeing my cute little nephew. Still, I was not in a fit state to see people that night ...

My mom picked up a tiny little color TV at a yard sale last week. The kids have really been enjoying it. I really didn't think it would pick up any channels here in the boonies, but it does, surprisingly. This morning, I caught my youngest sitting on the front porch sneaking in a little extra screen time!

My daughter has been adding the suffix "ish" to everything lately. I'm not sure where she gets it. She says she feels "sickish" and that she's "boredish". It's funny.

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