Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Spring break?

The county schools are closed this week for spring break. We're not. Our weather is rainy and gloomy this week and I think we should take our spring break on a couple of beautiful sunny days. We did take yesterday off to go on a shopping trip with Grandma. She always buys the kids Easter clothes but this year, Easter was so early, we didn't get it done before, so we did it after. Instead of dressy clothes, the kids got shorts and camophlage pants and new jeans. We all enjoyed ourselves very much. Then last night, I had the combination Mom's night out and homeschool group planning meeting to plan the next few months. It went very well. We planned a trip to the Lincoln Museum, Kentucky Down Under, Speed Art Museum, a park science day, visiting a local homeschool fair and book swap and a day of letterboxing at Bernheim Forest.

It all sounds good, but I get kind of frantic sometimes when I look at my calendar and it has something on every day. I like an occasional blank day to recharge.

Happy April fools day today. We haven't done any pranks today ... yet, but check out Google today for theirs. ;-)

*** Update *** This morning, on Google, you could sign up to join the first colony on Mars, but it seems that the openings must be all filled, because it's not on there now.


  1. Isn't it nice to be able to have spring break when it can actually be ENJOYED?????? Hope that you have a great week.

  2. Comfy summery play clothes sound better to me any day than itchy dressy clothes!

    I missed the Mars sign up. Drat.

  3. Exactly my thoughts. We are also taking "Spring Break" when Spring weather arrives and we can enjoy it! Nice Blog--picked it up off the HSS site.
