Monday, March 31, 2008

Several good things about today.

First of all, we got quite a bit done this weekend that we've been procrastinating about. We got our bedroom rearranged and, wow, does it seem like there's more room in here. It's crazy how much of a difference just moving things can make. I also took some junk from the backyard down to the road for our annual bulky item pickup, which is when the trash service will take your bulky, big items to the dump for you. It's nice. I got some books listed on ebay. All of these things I've been procrastinating about for some reason, so it feels really good to get them done.

Another good thing about today is that I get to go to Chili's tonight with the homeschool moms from our group. It's a combination mom's night out and planning meeting to plan activities and field trips for the next 3 months. I love Chili's so I'll enjoy that.

Also, I don't have to work today, which is always good. I think I may do a few jobs just because I'm behind in my work, but I don't have to. For some reason, that's an important distinction!

My youngest son was the one having nightmares last night. He said that he'd had a bad dream in which his friend Jacob was here visiting and instead of doing cool stuff, he wanted to watch Barney. And the worst part? "I had to watch it with him." he said. ;-)

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