Monday, February 18, 2008


Simply April was right in her comment below. The little dog has gotten into our hearts and is going to stay. She hasn't had an accident in the house since last Thursday and if that hadn't resolved, she would have had to go. Fortunately, she seems to have caught on. I'm sure that going from living with a single retired elderly woman to our family was a big shock, meeting all our dogs, cats and kids and the fact that we have a man here and she's scared of men, all led to her being kind of weird when we first got her. She's calmed down, is much less fearful in general and is even warming up to my husband now. She's a sweet little dog. She's half chihuahua and half pekingese.

The dog has actually taken over one of my most dreaded chores and does it with such joy and exuberance that it is a sight to see. She wakes up my daughter every morning. It's hilarious and wakes my daughter up in a good mood, which is a nice change. ;-)

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