Tuesday, February 19, 2008

School on the back burner.

Yes, school is on the back burner again this week. I'm working on deep cleaning.* My husband is working on finishing the last little bits of the remodeling of the living room that we did, moving the last of the furniture back in there. We did do school yesterday, but we just did the bare minimum. We did US History and notebooking, chores, exercise and that's about it. I had plans to start a geometry math unit with the younger 2, but didn't get around to it. I'm trying to get all this stuff done this week and get my work done so that I won't be rushing around this weekend doing it and for some reason I'm having more fatigue this week than usual. I might be coming down with something? I don't know. Anyway, I keep plugging along, trying to get about a million things done.

We've been studying about the civil rights movement in our US History. The other day for his notebook page, my youngest drew a picture of a person on a bus and captioned it "Rosa sat." He's a minimalist when it comes to writing, LoL.

*I'd like to point out why cleaning is mentioned so often on this homeschool blog which is supposed to be about homeschooling. First of all, starting to homeschool means having your kids around all the time, which means that more dishes get dirty, the bathroom is used more often, etc. The house is just messier when it is lived in so much. It also means that there are a lot of homeschooling supplies around now, which means clutter. Secondly (or thirdly, whatever), is that I hate to clean and I want a clean home, so it is on my mind a lot. I think about it and blog about it way more than I actually do it!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're NOT coming down with anything! So many foks around here have had the flu. Praying that we can side-step that one!!!!

    So, maybe if I TALK about cleaning more on my blog........I like that.Ha! And I have MORE people living in my house than you do....you can only imagine my messy house. I like what I heard somewhere.....it's just 'Creative Clutter'. ;-)
