Sunday, February 17, 2008


Today has been okay. I still haven't decided what to do about school this week, whether to take a spring break or not. I don't think we will. I just think we'll add a few extra cleaning chores to the lists, maybe change their morning lists completely to decluttering and cleaning their rooms. That will bring joy to their lives, won't it? I have promised to take them out for pizza and a movie next weekend if they help me out this week.

My goal is to get everything deep cleaned and then paint the kitchen but I don't know if I'll get that part done. Wish me luck!

The dog is doing better. She hasn't had an accident in the house for several days and she seems to be continuing to mellow out. The only thing is if my daughter goes somewhere, the dog whines continually until she gets back - no fun for those people who are left at home and have to listen to it! Last night we went to a family dinner and just took her with us. It was just easier. Things are looking pretty good for her to stay at this point. (knock on wood!) Good thing, because I've already made a mouse pad on cafepress with her picture on it!


  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I'm afraid a mouse pad wouldn't save her around here... Two around here with bladder control issues would just be TOO much! ;o)

  2. I think the dog is staying. She's worked her way into your heart. :o)So what is she? Some kind of little terrier?
