Saturday, February 16, 2008

Working on the house ...

We did do school, mostly, this week. I did let the kids have 2 snow days and during those days, I was getting a little bit of work done on the house. Yesterday, I worked on stripping the no-wax finish off of the kitchen floor and reapplying it. I had no idea you could do that, but I found that Armstrong makes products for rejunenating their floors, bought them at Lowes and used them yesterday on half of the kitchen. They work really well. Our kitchen floor certainly needed to be rejunenated. We've been in this house for 10 years and boy have we made a lot of messes on that floor. Today I hope to get the other half done.

The dog seems to be doing a little better. She hasn't had an accident in the house in days. She kind of growls and snaps at my youngest sometimes, if he tries to pick her up or if she has a chewie and thinks he is going to steal it. She also goes psycho when we leave the house. We've been putting her in the bathroom but she whines and scratches the door trying to get out. She's scratched some of the paint off of the door! We need to get her a crate, so she will be more confined and hopefully more peaceful. Our hope is that maybe we'll manage to handle her personality and she'll continue to mellow out. We got spoiled by Max being so easy to get along with. He has occasionally growled at our youngest too and also has made a few messes in the house, although it's been a long time ago. Maybe there is hope for her yet.

I'm not sure if we are going to do school this week. I'm having the homeschool group here for the first time and we've got to get our living room renovation mess cleaned up and get my husband's office moved out of the kitchen and back to its corner of the living room. I'd also like to paint the kitchen. You know how one renovation project always leads to another ... We may let this be our spring break or I may do school as usual, or, I may give them handouts and assignnments they can (hopefully) do on their own. We'll just see how much we get done this weekend.
There's nothing like having people over, especially people who keep meticulously clean, beautiful homes, to make you want to get all your projects done.

Please excuse the spelling in this post since blogger's speller is not working.


  1. I love having visitors. It is the only time I clean up.

  2. Oh gosh....I know exactly what you mean about having folks over....really PUSHES me to do what I normally put off. I don't worry so much about my BEST friend coming over because she has FOUR kids too & is more understanding of that 'Lived-in' look.
