Thursday, February 14, 2008

This dog is stressing me out.

I feel like everyone in the family is waiting for ME to make a decision about whether she gets to stay or not. We've said from the beginning, that she's here on a trial basis. Although, where we will take a not-totally-housetrained dog who snaps at young children and demolishes bathroom doors, I don't know. My only thought was that the original owner might take her back and try to give her to someone else? I feel bad, but she does tear things up when we leave the house, snaps at my youngest (even when he does nothing to deserve it as I witnessed tonight) and sometimes doesn't seem to be housetrained (although nothing bad in that dept has happened since yesterday, mainly due to close supervision.)

Trouble is, we've all really started to like the personality that she has MOST of the time. She's sweet when she's not going all psycho. Her name that she came with was Freckles, but I've taken to calling her Freakles.

Can dogs be bipolar?



  1. I do not know if dogs can be bipolar but I think cats are autistic. Fur real.

    Once you get a pet, your home is never your own. It is worse than having children. I have two cats and they are a mess. I just love them so much!!

  2. It is totally not worth it to me.
    I lasted less than a week with a not housebroken dog that was given to my boys. The woman who gave her to us didn't want her back, so I just gave her to another woman I worked with who just loved her, messes and all.
