Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I'm still having the problem of feeling tired and out of sorts and not motivated to do anything. I think maybe I've got cabin fever or something. Some kind of mid-winter blahs. I did get up and do quite a bit of cleaning today, even though I wasn't thrilled to do it, I just did it anyway. Then this evening, the kids and I watched Supernanny. I really like that show. I think it's amazing what she does for those families. Tonight there was a mom on there that had a very difficult time hugging her kids and telling them that she loved them. Supernanny emphasized family bonding and doing things together and took all their TV and game remotes and laptops and made them play together. After it went off, I was inspired and the kids and I played a hilarious game of charades for about half an hour. We all have to fight the tempation to isolate ourselves from our families in our own homes with technology.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that WAS the cool thing about our power being off all that time Sunday evening.....we REALLY did have a fun time cooking in the living room on the wood stove & playing games & just laughing & being goofy together!!
