Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Better today, thank goodness.

My day got better yesterday. The ice melted in time for us to go to a valentine party with the homeschool group. We declared it a snow day since the county schools were out and let the kids play in the snow. It's funny, but almost every time we cancel school, we do something that could be counted as school, like this party. I'm sure that tomorrow, schools all over the country will be having valentine parties and counting it in their attendance records.

The new dog is still here. She's been having 'accidents' every day but yesterday, after the one I blogged about, we put her on a leash and now someone (generally my daughter) is with her every minute. So far, this has worked, but it's kind of difficult. My daughter has to get a dog sitter when she goes outside, takes a shower, etc. It's kind of like one of those baby classes where they give you a baby doll or an egg or a sack of flour and you have to pretend it's a baby except this is more real. She really has to be fed and she really poops, she also snuggles and truly loves my daughter. Having this dog this week has been kind of a nightmare. My daughter is way attached and I cannot tolerate the messes. If we have to give her away we won't do this again.

My oldest son had a computer game that would not play on his computer for some reason. Yesterday, he used the knowledge that he had gotten from the day before yesterday's computer lesson and figured out how to fix it so that now it plays on his computer. He told me more technically, but I didn't understand it. Something about a hidden code. Isn't that cool? So he did a little computer application yesterday, even though we didn't officially have school.

Last night, my youngest son got on the computer, on the PBS kids site and was playing a game from the show "Fetch with Ruff Ruffman" and was doing a lot of reading and science-y kind of stuff.

You know the more I think about this, the more tempted I am to count about 1/4 of a school day for yesterday ... ;-)

A movie review: Last night I watched The Pursuit of Happyness. Good movie. I really, really felt for that guy as he tried to take care of his son. Of course, it has a bit of bad language in it, they all do for some stupid reason, but it was a good movie. At times I felt like it was just too much like real life. I could really fell his frustration so much.

My bloggy friend Lisa is in the hospital, so please everyone send her prayers and warm thoughts. Get well soon~!

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