Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A tiny bit.

We got a tiny bit of snow today. The kids have already asked if they can have a 'snow day'. I said I don't know. I think maybe I'll let them have half a day, the morning stuff is mostly chores, and we'll do academics in the afternoon. The chores are there every day, but the snow is really a rare thing these days. Maybe I ought to join them. A good old serving of vitamin D from the sun might help the blahs.

The field trip yesterday was okay. My daughter liked it quite a bit. We took the same tour last year with 4H but it was a bit different because they had different animals there and they actually had a surgery going on and we could look in. I really can't say I enjoyed that part. I won't tell you what that poor kitty was having done. Eeek. Next month we're going to a groomers and the month after that, we're going to get to see homing pigeons. That sounds pretty cool.

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