Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Motivational Issues.

I'm still struggling with motivational issues and so are the kids. It just seems like we'll never get done with this American History study. We've all gotten tired of it (probably my fault) and we just want to be done. We are going to finish it this week. I don't know if it is the weather, the short days or spring fever, but none of us feel like doing anything.

Today we're going on a short local field trip with 4H to a vet's office. I didn't sleep well last night and have been up since 5:30 a.m. so my energy is running out. I may need to have some caffeine before I go!


  1. I certainly know what you mean about just wanting to be done with a unit. We've done that before. I'm definitely feeling the 'Spring Fever'.....thank goodness next week Chris has Spring Break....so if HE'S on break then so are we!! I can't wait.

  2. It is definitely the weather. We all need Spring to get here soon!
