Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Taking my own advice.

Last week I was talking to another homeschool mom about the curriculum she's using. She said that the way they made her do the research paper was wearing her out. Her daughter had to write 3 or 4 outlines and a very complete bibiliography and the way it was set up, she had to work on it about 30 minutes a day, every day. The mom just wanted to be done with it. I told her to just take a couple of days, get the whole thing done and not have to keep working on it for another 3 weeks. She took my advice and was thrilled to have the paper behind them. Since we're so tired of this American History unit, we're doing the same thing. We're worked on only American History today and we'll do the same for the next 2 days, trying to get done by Friday. I have the kids making 1 large notebooking page and doing a timeline of the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s. It's going well and we are through the 70s today. When we're done, we'll have our notebooks to review from and, most importantly, we can start something else! Yay!


  1. You are so organized with this homeschool stuff. I am a mess! It never turns out like I envision it and the lessons look like a randum....well...SPLAT, insted of a nice neat "row".

    I want to be organized too.
    I want a simple cirriculum to teach from where daily learning is all planned for me. I need that.

    Do you know of anything that kinda flows and is pre-planned?

  2. I'm not organized, I just sometimes give that impression! It's still a process with me.

    For Unit Studies, I like Christian Cottage. It will cover science, history, social studies, art and all that and then you have to add language arts and math for each child. I like it because it has something to read and an activity to go with it each day.

    I haven't tried any of the more expensive ones but CC is the best of the ones I've tried.
