Friday, February 08, 2008

Hey, today really IS Friday.

I don't know why I'm so happy about it. I do work Saturdays. I guess it's just an old habit from my public school and regular-work-week days. It also has to do with our homeschooling system, our work lists and the freebies. Most of us save our freebies for Friday so we have a shorter day most Fridays. I didn't this time, but that's another story. I haven't felt good all week so my freebies got used very early. Tuesday, I think.

Anyway, it's Friday now.

This is the view from my kitchen window. Zoey, the calico, thinks this is her special place to sit and gets annoyed when Xena joins her. You can see it on her face, can't you?


  1. to see kitties in the window!

  2. Zoey's planning to do something to Xena, isn't she?

  3. She certainly looks like she is thinking about it, doesn't she?
