Thursday, February 07, 2008

I kept thinking today was Friday ...

but it wasn't. Darn it. ;-)

We went ahead and did school despite that depressing realization (that it wasn't Friday). We are reading through the last book of The History of US. Today's chapter was about the 1950s including the Korean War. I don't think I ever realized how quickly we went back to war from WW2 to the Korean War, although I guess I should've known since my Dad was in the Korean War and my uncle was in WW2.

We also did a lesson from the book on drawing called Drawing on the Right Side Of The Brain (or something like that.) It was very interesting. It emphasizes good drawing as a teachable skill instead of a magical talent, so maybe I'll even be able to learn to draw well. Could happen, I guess.

After school, we went to the library and the skating rink.

My younger son has had a very whiny week this week and has been a pain to deal with. The older 2 think that he can't remember public school well enough, having only been to kindergarten and a few weeks of first grade. They think we ought to give him a public school experience at home, make him get up early and sit at a desk for several hours, having to ask permission to go to the bathroom, etc. I'm all for it as long as I don't have to be here to hear the whining. Maybe we could get a substitute teacher that day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness....I have often thought that on those terrible, awful, no good, whiney days! None of mine have ever gone to school to have the comparison & sometimes you'd just really to show them how good they DO have it at home!
