Saturday, February 09, 2008

Proof that we really are crazy.

Here it is. We got another dog, making 3 dogs, 3 cats and 1 lizard. We actually planned it too. When we got Max, our first-ever indoor dog, we were not prepared for how crazy our daughter would go for him. She wants to hold him all the time (He's not a lap dog!) and she drives him crazy. Not to mention the fact that he's 6 years old and how is she going to cope when something happens to him? We decided that another dog would help diffuse the love and provide comfort in the future. We started looking for a young female dog, 1-2 years old, a mutt, already spayed, already house trained, smaller than Max and okay with kids, cats and other dogs. We finally found her yesterday.

The house training part, we're not so sure about though, unfortunately. Despite being taken outside about 100 times yesterday, she wouldn't go outside and went in the house. This morning, though, we've had 3 successful events outside, so we're very happy. I guess maybe it was the stress of moving houses, trying to get used to 5 new people, not to mention that every time we'd take her out, the outdoor dog and all 3 cats would gather around and stare at her. It would be hard to do something so personal with all that attention, I would imagine.

Anyway, she's here and if the potty training thing works out, she can stay. I'm thinking of designing some items on Cafepress with her picture on it. She's got quite a face, you gotta admit!


  1. What a cutie she is!! Sounds like you're trying to compete with us...5 Beagles, 5 cats, 3 hamsters, a rabbit & a parakeet. ;-)

  2. Awww, what a cutie patootie! Hope she settles in to the family. (And I don't blame her on the "going" front, I like a little more privacy than that too.)
