Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Some days are like that ...

I got up this morning and the electricity was out because we had an ice storm during the night. I got up, tried to turn on the bathroom light and was unsucessful, then decided to just use the bathroom in the dark. Unfortunately, someone had left the toilet seat up, so I fell in. A few minutes after this, I had the awful realization that without electricity there is no coffee. I then found out that the chocolate donuts I had wanted for breakfast had already been eaten. A little while after this, the new dog pooped in the middle of the new laminate floor.

Things can only go up from there, right? The electricity did come back on. The kids got to have a short sledding session on the snow/ice that was rapidly melting and now I've run the dishwasher and started laundry. I was very upset this morning that I hadn't done any laundry yesterday, in case the electricity was off for several days and we didn't have clean clothes.

Anyway, I'm off to work now.


  1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Yes, I could look her up again, but we moved away, and moved on. Life is like that sometimes. Seasons.

    Wow, I thought my morning was bad. We had electricity, but no heat and the temp outside hovered around zero. But I had coffee, and really, what else matters!?

  2. OMG....couldn't help but laugh. Sounds like us on Sunday when our power went out. I did have sense enough to make up more tea, some koolaid & juice before our power went. But then sometime around 10pm, our cat ran off upstairs & pooped....in OUR bedroom no less! You should've seen Clay trying to see with only the help of a flash light & the kero lamp in the room. Not to mention no water.....so he was trying to clean with paper towels & then spray Lysol. It's funny NOW, but not at the time.
