Friday, January 18, 2008

Still feeling rebellious.

I did everything I was supposed to do yesterday. I only rebelled on the inside. Today, hopefully, I will get some motivation going, but it's 11:00 a.m. and I haven't gotten it yet. I'm switching from transcription mode to housework routine mode right now and that seems to be where the difficulty is. I've added so much cleaning to my schedule that it seems kind of overwhelming to me. Housework has always been my worst thing. I've always hated it. Maybe the kids won't notice if I don't do any today?


Remember the deal I made with them last year? If I don't do my morning routine they don't have to do any school work. If I don't do my routine they get the whole day off. This motivates me because I know that they need to get their 185 days of school in.

I'm going to do it now, honest. I just feel like grumbling about it a bit.


  1. You make me laugh. But really I have a confession. I love housework. To me its relaxing. But I am told I am weird that way! :)

  2. I made the same sort of deal with my kids. I told them that if we get started late because of me that they could stop school at 3:00 even if they aren't finished...but only if it were my fault that we got started late. It really got me going in the mornings!

  3. Yes, Mrs. Darling, that is weird! I wish I enjoyed it more. I certainly have to do a lot of it!
