Saturday, January 19, 2008


Since we've been homeschooling, I've tried various things to get the kids to exercise. At first, I just told them to go out and play. They whined. We don't want to go outside and play. There's nothing to do. It's boring. Okay, then I came up with an exercise routine that they had to do inside the house. They also whined about this, somewhat but they did it. We all did the same one, pushups, situps, leg lifts, etc. After a while, it got boring. This semester, I added weight lifting, biking, running around the house 5 times, jumping rope 200 times and some other options to their exercise routine. My oldest has been lifting weights. My daughter has been jumping rope. I've still been doing the same pushups, leg lifts, etc., most days, because I don't mind that it's boring. But the youngest has been going outside and running around and around the house. Yesterday, I looked out and he was walking because it was kind of icy and he was talking to himself. He came in and said that he'd done 6 laps instead of 5 because what he was talking to himself about was so interesting. ;-)


  1. Anonymous8:13 PM

    We do alot of eye toy games, dance dance revolution for our exercising!!!
    I have also done with Trina a DVD called Exercising Latin Dancing.
    It is teaching us Latin Dancing while getting in shape. I did it hurt the next day!!!
    We walk the dog and they either ride their bikes or skateboards.
    We don't get much in either.
    Love your son's comment about his interesting conversation!!!

  2. We've already started using your free time in the morning, school in the afternoon I think we'll add your exercise ideas too. Last night Violet said she doesn't think she's getting enough exercise.

    Anything else we should borrow from you? :)

  3. OMG....too funny about the interesting conversation!

    I've never really worried TOO much about the exercise here with my kiddos. Living out in the country like we do they are always doing something....taking walks, riding bikes, hauling/stacking wood, hiking up the mountain to hunt, etc. And now the boys got a Wii for Christmas so they get to play all those sport games on there & really get a pretty good work-out.

  4. It's amazing how much better the kids will get through their school work when they exercise first.

    Try keeping data for their workouts - time, reps, heart rate, distance (maybe get & use a pedometer - they go for about $10-30) and your workouts suddenly become a math/science lesson.

    Have fun w/ it!
