Thursday, January 17, 2008


We have a rebel in the house. One person who does not want to do school, chores or basically anything. The problem is, it's me. I just want a break. I want to watch TV and laze around and not do anything. I've been pretty good since the Christmas break, getting my routines done, getting school done, getting work done (mostly) but the last couple of days, I've lost my momentum. I just don't want to. I want all of this to be done, but I don't want to do it.

Hopefully, I'll get motivated soon.


  1. We all have these days. Thankfully it passes.

  2. I think we all struggle with the motivation factor.

    I've got some info posted for you now.

  3. This happens to me every month a few days before I start. I used to beat myself up about it, which only caused the moodiness part of it to worsen. Now, I have learned to just embrace it. I know that the house isn't going to fall apart around me literally, so I just slow down and stop making excuses for it. The great thing is that I know for a fact that on the DAY that I start, my energy and motivaton will return.

  4. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Well, it seems to me that public schools have many "teacher days" with the kids off. Give them some educational videos to watch (History channel). Let them play a game (Math). And write a letter to a pen pal and there you go.... you can watch tv and just vegge out.

    Yaaa right!! :)

    I also would love to do that, but my two kids just fight fight and fight!!!
