Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The joy of autocorrect.

I type for a living doing medical transcription and my company recently made the switch to MS Word from Word Perfect, after many years. I'm still getting used to the autocorrect feature although it's been a year since we switched. Sometimes it still gives me a good laugh. Tonight, my patient was a CNA and the doctor dictated "She makes her living as a CNA." but of course, autocorrect changed it to. "She makes her living as a CAN." I was so tempted to just put in an exclamation point and leave it like that!


  1. I get the same correction in my writing about nursing homes. You can go into Tools, Auto Correct, and change the default correction or delete it altogether.

  2. I know, but this is the first time one of my patients has been a CNA. I just had a little laugh out of it. I doubt it will come up very frequently.
