Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A different approach.

Today, we did took a slightly different approach to our afternoon school lists. We got started on our WW1 study and it was going well. We're making a large notebooking page out of a manilla folder about the war, what caused it, which countries were in it, a timeline and all kinds of things about the war and it was taking a while today. When I did my sample timeline, I just drew it in there freehand and mine was kind of crooked. But the kids wanted to do theirs neater. They got out rulers and measured the folder, divided the number of inches by 5 for the years of the war and did it very carefully. We discussed the difference in inches and centimeters and discussed how the inches were divided into 16ths on the ruler. Then we looked at a graph of the number of soldiers each country had in the war and the number of casualties. My youngest wanted to draw his own verson of the graph on his page. Then, my daughter wanted to add up all those large numbers. We read all the numbers, practicing getting all those place values right. Tonight, we're going to listen to a book on CD called "The Night Flyers" which is about the use of homing pigeons during the war.

We didn't get to our formal math and spelling today but the unit study was going so well and the kids were so engaged in learning, that I didn't want to interupt them to make them learn something else.


  1. Finally I find somebody blogging about homeschooling. Im looking for fresh ideas on internet blogs of homeschoolers. Im finding that many people list themselves as a homeschool blog but never blog about it. Its frustrating.

    We're doing WWII this term. I loved reading how you are doing WW I.

  2. We will be doing WW2 in a couple of weeks. Any tips?

  3. I was wondering, you guys just homeschool in the afternoons and use mornings for work, play, chores, etc. right? Violet drags around all morning but is often happy to work on school until 5 or 6 pm. I think I need to change MY schedule.

  4. Isn't that the beauty of HS.....we can work our schedules to fit our families. I could never do the afternoon thing....just wouldn't work out for us here. If I don't get down to it in the morning, then I've lost them after lunch & might as well forget it. Afternoon is the time where they all do whatever.....the boys go hunt/fish/trap/etc. with their dad, the girls do their artsy/crafty things & I can work on my scrapbooking or crocheting/knitting. Sorry for the ramble, but thought it was interesting how different things work for different families.
