Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Still transitioning back to normal.

After our holidays, we need some relaxation time. I think we're all still kind of in a daze. Oldest son has got a flu-like illness and the rest of us are just hanging in there, trying to get back into our groove and hoping we don't catch it. We've eased back into school but I haven't been able to get myself to do math with the kids. We've been skipping math every day since we've started back. We've done everything else. I'm not sure why I have such a mental block about math these days, but I think I may have to get their Dad to step in and do it, so it will get done. He's a much better math teacher than I am anyway, but he does make them do more practice problems, which they don't like.

I haven't got one thing done on my list of January home improvement/organization chores. I just don't have any energy, motivation or get-up-and-go. Whatever you call it, I don't have it. Our Christmas tree is still in the living room. It's down and in a box, but in the living room, nonetheless. I have got to get that done today!


  1. I'm sitting here reading blogs trying to ignore the stack of papers piled on my desk.

    It's time to empty all the 2007 folders from my filing box to make room for all my 2008 papers. I have no inclination to tackle that job right now.

    I hate end-of-year stuff. I know any day now dh is going to start asking me when I'm going to get started on our taxes. UGH!

  2. Know just what you mean about the math.....I'm in a FUNK big time about math right now. Don't know exactly what I want to do with any of the kids. Blech! I still don't feel 100% back from this cruddy cold we've all had so I have NO get-up-and-go either. Have had a terrible sinus headache ALL afternoon/evening. Think I'm just going to give up & go to bed now. Sorry for rambling so...............
