Monday, January 14, 2008

End of day report.

Today was a pretty good school day. We've mostly concluded our study of WW1 and we're getting ready to study the time period between the wars. Someone here mentioned the History Of Us books by Joy Hakim and I discovered that our library has them and now we're using them instead of the textbook we were using. It is such an improvement. I've been reading ahead in book 9, just because I'm interested. The folders that the kids did for their notebooks turned out really well. I'll try and post pictures of them when I find my camera.

On the work front, it was great, because it was my day off. That's always good. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to. I really intended to get my closet cleaned out, but I didn't. I got some high school planning done, some teaching, some laundry, some cleaning and a TON of dishes (still with more to do). I also went to the grocery but I didn't get my closet cleaned out. Oh well. Tomorrow's another day, I guess.

On the foster care front, we're not getting anywhere. Our paperwork is done, but our home renovation is still not. When did we start this? Anyway, our worker won't approve us until the heavy duty saw is out of the house.

Let's see, do I have any more 'fronts' to discuss? I guess I've picked up on some of the WW1 language from our study. I guess I've got nothing else going on so that's it for today.


  1. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Did someone say something about cleaning out a closet? Sigh.

  2. Glad you are enjoying the Joy Hakim, I really like them too. How are you using them reading and then doing unit studies on certain topics? I had to order the 1st. book from because we were going so slow with it that I was getting late fees at the library....
    Have a great day!
