Sunday, January 13, 2008

The pros and the cons.

While I was working this afternoon, my husband took my 2 older kids to his parent's house. They were gone a couple of hours. My youngest stayed home with mom, thinking that this would be a great chance to play Game Cube and X-Box uninterupted. He played Guitar Hero. Every few minutes, he'd come and tell me how he was doing. I'd cheer, but then go back to work. (I'm really far behind today!)
After a while, he got discouraged with this. Without the other kids, he could get all the time he wanted on the game systems, true, but "there's no one in there to cheer me on." So pitiful! I took a short break to cheer for him but then, joy of joys, his siblings came home, his 2 best friends in all the world.

*The picture is a totally unrelated picture of a sculpture my daughter did, of modeling clay.


  1. Oh poor kid. I know my son is lost when his sister is gone. Its amazing how they can argue but when one of them is gone the other one misses them so badly!

    Cute sculpture! Good job.

  2. Ditto on the fussing/fighting & then missing each other! Guess brothers & sisters are all the same, huh?!

    BTW.....I have a friend on my message board who is checking into foster parenting & was wanting to know of someone she could chat with. I told her about you & said I'd share your blog link with her.....her name is case she gets in touch with you.
