Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Grocery Shopping.

I am a terrible grocery shopper. Yesterday I made a list of 2 items and then left the list at home. On the way to the store I realized I'd forgotten the list, but figured I'd remember them, only 2 things. Right? Wrong. Despite filling the cart full to overflowing and spending a crazy amount of money, I forgot the two items. I realized it in the middle of the night. The thought woke me up.

I would like to be one of those people who plan the menu and shop accordingly, thereby saving a lot of money, but I haven't made it yet. I'm so, uh, let's face it, spacey, that I wonder if I could stick to it if I did it. Still, I might need to give it some thought and try it again. Groceries are getting so incredibly expensive these days.


  1. I'm like you. And when I do plan ahead some meals we could make and buy the stuff, we never get around to it.

  2. I find planning meals ahead is confining. Id sooner wing it.
