Thursday, January 31, 2008


I can't think of a title so while I'm typing my random thoughts for today, I'll just leave it blank. We've got a lot going on today. We'll be celebrating my Dad's birthday this evening. I've got things to mail to my sister and things to mail to the caseworker, both of which will probably need to be mailed from the post office. I'm going to enroll the younger 2 kids in 4H classes today too. We're still working on gradually remodeling the house and working and homeschooling. We just do a bit here and a bit there, constantly working on everything at once.

One of my latest inspirations is called a "Yes Ma'am" list. We've been keeping up with how nicely the kids do as they are asked and they've been getting points for it. When they get 100, they'll get $5.00. The girl is in the lead. The only problem is, I think it may be because I ask her to do more things. She's usually the most willing worker and I ask her to do a lot. Younger son frequently whines when asked to do something and is the inspiration for making the list. Oldest son stays in his room a lot and consequently, doesn't get asked to do as much. Really, the kids have been doing pretty well lately. You should see them jump up when someone brings groceries home, knowing they have to help bring them in and put them away. I've threatened them that he who does not work does not eat. Of course I wouldn't starve them, but I might make them eat only nutritous foods for a week. (No junk food!?) They've been getting their lists done mostly without whining lately too. It's pretty amazing and probably won't last long! I guess it's my season to be rebellious, not theirs!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    A "Yes Ma'am" list? LOVE it! :o)
