Friday, February 01, 2008

One sick today.

We had one sick child today. I could have predicted it really. On Monday when we went to the baseball museum, our guide had a terrible cough and I just knew some of us would come down with it. It turns out it was youngest son. He had a headache all day yesterday and then began with a runny nose and fever today. I'll probably be next but I can't deny the little guy snuggling when he feels bad. He's almost getting too big, so I enjoy it while I can. I still made him do a half day of school. We're studying WW2 and so close to the end that I just want to get it done, so I had him listen to the chapter reading and do a notebook section today. Then we watched a History Channel show on the production of war planes for WW2.

The rest of us carried on. It was a light day of work because everyone has 3"freebies" on their list - 3 things on the list each week that we don't have to do - and we usually save them for Friday. I need to do a few record keeping things tonight, check everyone's attendance lists and write the supplemental materials we've used for American History in my oldest son's record book before I forget. We may start reading a novel about WW2 tonight. It's called Number the Stars. I got it out of the library and it's a very good book but I'm kind of ready for this war study to be over so I may not read it. We're ready to move onto the 50's and then get done with history so we can go into our world geography study.


  1. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Hope bubby is feeling better!

  2. Awww....sorry you have a sick one at your house! Hope he gets to feeling better soon & no one else gets it!
