Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Still rebellious.

I'm still feeling rebellious about everything except our unit study. I'm interested in American History and notebooking and so I enjoy that part of our day. The rest of it, I don't want to do. I'm still doing it but I'm really having to push myself. Especially with math. I've never been that much of a fan of math. I've managed to do enough of it to get by but that's it. Now as a homeschooling mom, I find myself having to immerse myself in fractions on a daily basis. I don't enjoy it.

I found out from one of our homeschool leaders that starting between the time my oldest son and my daughter graduate, Kentucky is raising the requirements to graduate to 4 years of math, starting with Algebra 1, so the youngest 2 will have to take calculus and geometry in addition to Algebra 1 and 2. I think it was 2 years of math when I was in school. How much of it do I use on a daily basis? Not much.


  1. Yuck I too hate Math. But my daughter who has so much trouble reading seems to excel in Math. So I persevere. :)

  2. I hear ya!
    Kelly & I am struggling along with math too, My son who is a senior in public school came home and showed me the math he is working on. It looks like a foreign language to me, and all I could keep thinking was when will he ever use this stuff.....

  3. I feel your pain. I didn't even learn long-division until I was in my thirties. But now I love math, for a lot of reasons. One of them is that it is a good way to relax, believe it or not. There is actually a subject called "recreational math." (Worth checking out at a library.)

    Learning basic math really well (well enough to appreciate some complicated math subjects) has improved the quality of my life immensely. It's something that gives you satisfaction and confidence concerning other things that you may otherwise feel overwhelmed by. That is the real reason to learn math.

    A hint: the education industry does a pitiful job at teaching math. Go to the library or bookstore and pick up popular books about math. It will make it so much more fun.

    I actually have a website called MathMojo, where that I've made especially to help parents and kids in your situation. Check it out for lots of hints about learning and understanding math.

    I wish you and your son and daughter many happy hours learning and enjoying what used to be a painful drag.

    Yours truly,

    Brian Foley (a.k.a. Professor Homunculus at )

  4. Anonymous8:40 AM

    4? Gack!
