Friday, January 04, 2008

Ahh. That's better.

And lest you think I have too much time on my hands I want to reassure you that I didn't do this. My husband did it. At work.

Another homeschool report. Yesterday went okay. If anyone is lazy and resisting school starting again, it's me. The kids are doing fine with no whining. I, on the other hand, don't want to do anything. Yesterday, I declared that since we had a new Yahtzee game that we should play Yahtzee instead of math, so we did. Hey, it is educational. That's pretty much how I learned my times tables up to 6 when I was a kid.

In my defense I have had my mind on other things. We've had some exciting events going on around here. Last night I met my half sister from my dad's first marriage for the very first time. They'd been out of touch for 47 years, so it was a huge big deal. No wonder I couldn't get my mind on math, right?


  1. I went to public school growing up, however math was not my subject and I still do not think they ever really taught it.

    One evening, my exasperated mother pulled out the Yahtzee game and math, at least some of it, made sense.

  2. How exciting on meeting the half-sister! No wonder you don't want to do school stuff. Enjoy board games for a while!

  3. That is so neat that you were able to meet your half sister!

    I agree that Yahtzee is educational. My guys loved playing it. Not only did it get in multiplication practice, but I always made them add up their scorecard without a calculator.

  4. Anonymous6:21 PM

    We always play games for Math. It is a wonderful hands on learning tool. Way better than repeative awful worksheets!!
    How exciting to meet your half sister. Does she look like you?? Is she older, younger?? How did it go??
    I guess I am being nosey :)
    We aren't starting school until Monday.

  5. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Love the slippers!!!

  6. We are suppposed to start back tomorrow & like you, I am really not in the mood. Ready for a regular routine again, but just don't have 'school' all together. Guess that could be because we have ALL been sick around here & some still are. We've had a nasty bout of Pink Eye & bad colds!!! Think we will just EASE back into things this week.....Hmmmmm, I believe I have Yahtzee around here somewhere....that might be just the thing for tomorrow. ;-)
