Saturday, January 05, 2008

Wow, lots of things going on.

We've had some wonderful times so far this weekend. We spent Friday night with some of my husband's family, playing games and having a really good time. Then tonight, I finally got to do some visiting with my newly found sister. She says that she doesn't believe in that half-sister business and now neither do I. We're sisters.
We shared pictures and stories tonight, hopefully the first of many. It's a little overwhelming and I know that I haven't processed it all yet. My brain is in some kind of emotional overload. It's a little hard to know where to go from here. She lives in another state so we're not sure when we'll get to see each other again.

We've got one more family Christmas party this tomorrow and then our holiday season will be over. It's been a good one but it will be restful to get back into our routine.


  1. Wow, your Christmas just goes on and on, doesn't it.
    That's so great about your sister. I'm glad you two are enjoying your time together..that is so. I have a brother that I have never met...only found out about him a few years ago. My sisters and I are wanting to meet him, but he just isn't ready. I wish he could come around.

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Amazing! :o)
